table fire
When manufacturing the lighting elements, I use natural wood and old boards, which I process individually.
This creates wonderful unique pieces.
No lighting element is like the other and is therefore unique.
For questions or orders, please always specify the style type.
Style: Natural
table fire
Hymjan is a light element made from the trunk of an apple tree. Cords were integrated to create a seam look.
Height 45cm, width 40cm, depth 45cm
This light element is currently available
Stil: Swedish
Holzbohle mit 6 beweglichen Stahlern und Kettenaufhänung
Holzbohle mit 6 beweglichen Stahlern und Kettenaufhänung
Holzbohle mit 6 beweglichen Stahlern und Kettenaufhänung
Holzbrett mit 4 beweglichen Strahlern
Aufhängung Seil oder Kette
Holzbrett mit Edelstahlstrahler
Blanke is a Swedish-style light element consisting of a beautiful board. Four movable spotlights are installed and chains are used for suspension.
Length 105cm, width 18cm, height 7cm
This light element is currently available
Berengart Naturart